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By Persia Lawson

A Radical Program for High-Achieving Women Who Desire a Healthy, Exciting & Meaningful TRUE Power Couple Relationship

  (That's a Force For Good, Not Drama) 

By Persia Lawson

A Radical Program for High-Achieving Women Who Desire a Healthy, Exciting & Meaningful TRUE Power Couple Relationship

(That's a Force For Good, Not Drama) 

Client Results

Female Leaders & High-Achievers Experience 3 Core Problems in Romance: 


    Messed around & disrespected by the men you date (ghosted/ dates play hot & cold)

    Struggle to be your true self on dates

    Feeling lonely & left behind by peer group                           


    Attracting no (or low) quality dates

    Not attracted to the guys who are attracted to you (no chemistry)

    Can’t seem to move past Date 3/ 3-month mark


    Not inspired by the person or connection

    Don’t see a future with them

    Find the whole dating process a depressing, unfulfilling numbers game

Love For Leaders Solves These 3 Problems Through Our 3-Phase Strategy: 
Heal | Attract | Commit

I've worked with lots of incredible women over the years - from doctors and politicians, to authors, speakers, influencers, coaches, entrepreneurs, musicians, actors and TV personalities - and if there's one thing I've learned, it's that women of influence do not have time to waste.

Yet, far too many of them invest way too much of it in dead-end, dysfunctional romantic dynamics that only serve to hinder the impact they're here to make in this world.

I should know, because I was one of them. In fact, for a long time I was a hot mess when it came to love, as I share further down this page. 

Today, my life looks very different. I'm nearly 8 years into a relationship with my best friend, soulmate, and now, husband. Not only have we travelled the world together, bought our first home and Cockapoo pooch, but since we met all those years ago my career has gone from strength to strength. 

Why? Because when I committed to doing the deep work required to attract and sustain a great relationship, instead of my love life feeling like a rollercoaster as it used to, I started to feel supported, respected and deeply loved. This has given me so much more freedom and emotional bandwidth to show up in my work life more powerfully - and, to enjoy it a hell of a lot more, too.  

Through my flagship program, Love For Leaders, I've helped many high-achieving women create the same results in their own love lives. I'm passionate about supporting these women through the three phase journey I explain in the video opposite/ below - firstly, because of the phenomenal results and transformation they experience from taking this program, as you can see from the many testimonials on this page. 

But, also, because when women in positions of impact and influence start to show up in their love lives in healthier, more empowered ways, this creates a tremendous ripple effect of positive change in the communities around them. This is what most excites and inspires me because this is what the world needs - now, more than ever.

So, if you're serious about up-levelling your love life and what we share on this page resonates, it'll be an honour to have you join us inside Love For Leaders.

It's time to invest in you and your love life in the same way you have done your career. It's time to work smarter, not harder at love. And, it's time to get you the healthy, exciting, meaningful relationship that'll serve - not sabotage - the impact you're here to make in this world. 

Watch the Video Below:

Client Results

Why I Created Love For Leaders

Growing up, my parents struggled with drug addiction. To escape the challenging emotions I was experiencing at home - and to feel some sense of the validation I craved, I soon became an overachiever. (This had its perks, given that I was awarded one of the top marks in the country for my English Literature GCSE whilst my dad was in rehab). 

I also became a sex and love addict; no other high could top that of falling in (and soon out of) love with the wrong guy.

Thankfully, Mum and Dad got sober when I was sixteen and created an incredible life for themselves and our family; they were my first example of a true Power Couple relationship that was thriving on the outside, because they’d prioritised healing and growth on the inside – as individuals, and as a couple.

However, I’d spent the majority of my life surrounded by drama and chaos. So, when that suddenly disappeared at home, I majorly ramped up the drama and chaos in my love life, instead.

I hit rock bottom in my mid-twenties, having put on two stone in two months after being sexually assaulted at a London strip club I was working at - just weeks after getting my Masters in Classical Acting. 

This prompted my concerned dad to take me on a health retreat in Thailand, where he gave me some advice that went on to change the entire trajectory of my life. He said: 

“Focus on the insides, and the outsides will take care of themselves.”

These words were the launch pad I needed to leverage all my overachiever energy towards healing the real root of all my romantic dilemmas: my relationship with myself.

Shortly afterwards, I started blogging about my journey into self-development and spirituality, which captured the media’s attention and soon led to a book deal and coaching business with a friend.

In the process, I met my now-husband at a festival (where I was speaking about my book, which was due to be published the following year).

In the 8 years my husband and I have been together, not only did I pivot my career to solely focus on helping other high-achieving women like me transform their love lives from the inside-out, I discovered why having a healthy, exciting, meaningful true Power Couple relationship is so crucial in today's world:

Because, aside from being great for the couple, as I witnessed through my parent's transformation (as well as my own) it also has a hugely positive impact on the couple's loved ones, communities - and even the world. 

So, if you want to find out if Love For Leaders could help you get a relationship that supports and elevates (rather than distracts you from) the important work you feel called towards, book a complimentary consultation call with me or my team below.

It's time to stop looking OUTSIDE of yourself for the partner you want to GET, and start looking INSIDE of yourself for the partner you want to BE.

Core content for Love For Leaders LIVE

As explained above, in order to attract and sustain a healthy, exciting, meaningful true power couple relationship, you need to work through and up-level your skillset in 3 crucial phases: 

Heal, Attract & Commit.  

This is what we'll guide you to do over 12 months in the Love For Leaders program. 

Phase One: HEAL

Your relationship with YOU sets the benchmark for every single relationship in your life. The degree to which you've healed from your past will dramatically impact how healthy and happy your love life is in the present, which is why healing is the foundation of all great relationships.

In our HEAL learning module and masterclasses, you will: 

- Uncover the surprising link between your past and present that's been trapping you in a lose-lose situation in romance 

- Understand why you attract (and are attracted to) unavailable or unhealthy partners – & how to break this pattern fast

- Identify the destructive patterns and unconscious ‘love-programming’ that have been blocking you from the incredible relationship you deserve

- Embrace a radical new approach to your romantic experience that'll not only transform the way you behave in it, but also how future (potential) partners will behave towards you

Phase Two: ATTRACT

Attracting a great relationship is not a question of luck, but of whether or not your identity is a match for it. In order to attract high quality (potential) partners, you need to understand the 4 missing pieces of the courtship puzzle that we'll be diving in to in this middle phase of the program.

In our ATTRACT learning module and masterclasses, you will:

- Identify red flags early on and develop a strategy that'll help you command instant respect from everyone you date 

- Learn the secret to being as successful at romance as you are at work 

- Find out how to successfully navigate online dating (without losing your mind!)

- Tap in to your unique qualities and attributes to dramatically increase your self-confidence and become an irresistible magnet for your ideal partner

- Discover how to communicate and express yourself effectively with potential partners - from Date One

Phase Three: COMMIT

The most challenging part of romance is the transition from casual dating to committed relationship, as this is where all our triggers, resistance and defences really start to surface. This final phase of Love For Leaders will show you how to move through this early period with ease and grace. 

In our COMMIT learning module and masterclasses, you will:

- Learn a potent (albeit, seemingly counterintuitive!) method for securing and maintaining real, lasting love that grows and evolves as you do 

- Discover whether the person you're dating has the capacity to be in a true power couple relationship with you by asking 6 simple questions 

- Find out how to move through typical (and unique) new relationship pitfalls so they help you cultivate deeper connection, intimacy & trust 

​- Create a compelling vision for your romantic future that's as exciting to your (potential) partner as it is to you

What's Included

Please note: any live trainings will be delivered over Zoom.

The full schedule will be shared with you once you've enrolled in the program.

LIVE Leadership Workshop

To ensure you get the most value possible out of the 12-month container, you'll attend a live, interactive workshop called 'How to Finish This Program as a Leader in Love' to help get you prepared for the journey ahead.

You'll need to attend this session live to get the most out of your Love For Leaders journey.

LIVE & Recorded Masterclasses 

Over the 12 months, there will be x6 masterclasses for each of the 3 phases of the program: Heal, Attract & Commit. These trainings are where you'll learn exactly how to get (& keep) the incredible true power couple relationship you deserve. 

Each training includes homework to be completed in between sessions (a rough estimate would be 1.5 - 3 hours per training).

As this container has been designed with busy women in mind, all masterclasses will be recorded and available on replay.

Accountability Check-Ins

You'll be invited to an accountability check-in session at the end of every month, to ensure you're getting through the work and training modules - and to provide you with any extra support, should you feel you need it.

Private Global Community

Each member of Love For Leaders has been specially selected for the program, and will be an invaluable pillar of support as you grow and evolve in your love life (95% of success in life is down to who you spend your time with, so having a stellar love tribe is crucial!)

You'll be invited to connect with them inside a private Facebook Group, but we also encourage you to get to know one another via WhatsApp/ IRL (many of our previous members have become life-long friends and attended each other's weddings!) 

N.B. The Love For Leaders community will always be the first to receive invites to any exclusive events Persia hosts with her husband, Joe, too.

Weekly LIVE Group-Coaching Sessions

The weekly group-coaching sessions (mainly held by Persia, but sometimes by a guest coach or expert) will help you turn the theory you learn in the masterclasses into tangible results, as you'll be guided to apply the concepts and tools from the program to specific situations in your love life as they occur - in real time. 

They will be held every Tuesday at 1pm UK time (except for the last Tuesday of every month, which will be at 7pm UK time).

These sessions won't be recorded - just show up whenever you can.

Online Portal & Supporting Content

Once enrolled, you'll be given 12 months access (via your own unique login) to the online membership portal, where all the masterclass trainings and supporting content (such as worksheets, meditations, word-for-word dating/ relationship scripts, bonus trainings etc) for Love For Leaders are stored.

This will make it super easy to catch up on any trainings and recordings, and review modules and content as needed.

There's also a progress tracker to help you keep up momentum so that you can experience big shifts in your love life - fast. 

LIVE Completion Workshop

At the end of your time in the program, you'll attend a LIVE completion workshop to conclude your journey and celebrate your progress and results.

Option for 121 Support with Persia

We appreciate that not everyone is comfortable with group learning environments - especially around something as intimate and personal as your love life.

For those that require (or desire) a more discrete and bespoke experience of Love For Leaders, there are 2 options available for 121 support with Persia;

Premier: Get everything included with Standard membership (as listed in this section), PLUS x12 monthly 45-minute 121 sessions with Persia over Zoom. *Only 2 of these spots left

VIP: Get everything included with Standard membership (as listed in this section), PLUS x12 monthly 45-minute 121 sessions with Persia over Zoom, WhatsApp access to Persia for the entire 12 months, and a celebratory 3-course dinner at Soho House private member's club with Persia upon finishing the program. *Only 2 of these spots left


Is Love For Leaders 
Right For You?

YES - if you identify with most of the following:

  • You feel LIT UP by everything you've read or heard about the Love For Leaders program so far, and are well-practiced in following your intuitive guidance when it comes to investing in yourself

  • You identify as a female leader/ high-achiever - having climbed the career ladder or built a business, but feel your love life is lacking compared to your work-life

  • ​​You're reaping the financial rewards for your efforts, but feel disheartened and disappointed that you have no one to share your success with

  • ​​You're driven and determined to find your life partner, but not at the expense of all you’ve achieved

  • ​​You have trouble leaning into your feminine energy of vulnerability and intimacy - particularly when it comes to expressing yourself in romance

  • ​You've followed Persia's work for a while now, and want to make the most of this one-time opportunity to be part of the brand new Love For Leaders LIVE immersive 12-month experience 

  • ​​Getting (& keeping) a healthy, exciting, meaningful true Power Couple relationship (that's a force for good, not drama) is a priority for you in 2023 - and you're ready, willing & able to do the work required to get it

On the fence?

I’m about to make it really hard for you to keep playing small in your love life: 

If we invite you to join Love For Leaders at the end of your free Consultation Call (and you commit to the program on the call), you then have 30 days to decide if the program's for you.

However, we do require you to give the process everything you've got for the first month - because nothing will work unless you do.

This means that within 30 days of signing your contract, you'll need to have completed the homework from Module One (which you'll share with us over email) and attended any & all live sessions scheduled in that time, too. 

If you haven't got significant value in that time, we'll happily return your investment to you in full, no questions asked.

That’s how confident I am about the results this program will get you - if you commit to the process. 

Please note: An alternative guarantee is available for Premier and VIP clients.
Please see contract for details.

Paying it Forward

When you invest in improving your love life via Love For Leaders, we'll pay - on your behalf - for one year of education for 20 illiterate girls aged between 13-19 who are from the poorest families in India (known as the ‘Untouchables’) via our partners at b1g1.com

Our company believes that, when it comes to both love and business, everyone should get to win.

You can read more about this amazing project here.


£597 + vat

per month

(Discounts available for payment in full)


“It has been incredible to witness Persia step into her power as a leader for a new generation of seekers. Her commitment to love and service is divine. This woman is a beautiful guide and mentor for us all!”

Gabby Bernstein 

Author, Speaker and Coach

“Persia is a super smart young woman and provides a fresh, intelligent perspective on the issues that so many Gen Y-ers face today. I have to say that when you speak to her, you get how much this matters to her – her passion and dedication to her work is truly inspiring.”

Dr Linda Papadopoulos

Psychologist, Broadcaster, Author

“Persia is one of the most insightful people I know. She has huge personal experience when it comes to matters of love, life and relationships and you’ll always find her ready to share her super-insight in order to help others. I can’t think of anyone better to be a love coach.”

Harriet Jones
Deputy Editor, Brides Magazine

“Refreshingly honest, raw and relatable, Persia really knows her stuff when it comes to dating and relationships and is trailblazing a path for those ready to learn how to find and nurture real, soulful love.”

Sadie Frost

Producer, Actress, Designer

Persia's Professional Bio:

Persia Lawson is a dating & relationship coach, 3x author & speaker. She specialises in getting career-focused women healthy, exciting, meaningful relationships that are a force for good, not drama.

Persia has been coaching for over a decade and is certified in cognitive behavioural therapy. She is the resident dating expert for the global dating app, Badoo, and the elite matchmaking agency, Bowes-Lyon Partnership.

Persia was honoured to be called “one of the UK’s most successful love coaches” by The Times and an “irreverent British guru” by Marie Claire magazine. She hosts a top 3 podcast, Love Is Coming (the same title as her latest book), and her work is regularly featured in Vogue, Cosmopolitan and the BBC.

Her signature mentorship programme, Love For Leaders, typically gets clients remarkable relationships within 6-12 months (as Persia is a certified wedding celebrant, she has even officiated several of their weddings!)

Persia believes that romantic relationships are a vehicle for profound healing and growth, and should have a positive impact on not only the couple, but their loved ones, communities - and even the world.

"The Love for Leaders program turned me inside-out. I cannot even begin to describe how much I changed over the time it took to complete the program. I was not prepared for this level of transformation! I am in the best place I have ever been in my life – not just emotionally, but mentally and physically, too. This program changes your entire life because it changes your very being. I truly did not know this feeling existed. I am totally and utterly at peace with who I am and where I am in my life. 

Before I started Love For Leaders I'd spent years in and out of therapy, trying to figure out why I was so unhappy in my relationships and where I kept going wrong. My professional career was soaring. I was at the top of my game. But my romantic life was a train crash. I'd had enough and knew I needed to do something radically different. While I do feel that the therapeutic work I undertook prior to Love for Leaders helped me in that it made me open to even considering a program like this, none of it gave me the results I was seeking. All of my therapists were able to tell me what I needed to improve, but not one of them were able to tell me how to actually do this. Only Love for Leaders was able to do this. The program gave me the tools I needed to build the life I was seeking.

I realised whilst doing the program that I had just been running on autopilot for years. I had never actually stopped to consider what I wanted out of life. I was repeating the same relationships over and over again with the same hot and cold men. I hopped from one relationship to the next, never stopping and taking stock of what had gone wrong, never stopping to process my feelings and, most importantly, never examining my role in these relationship breakdowns. This program shows you the role you play and as uncomfortable as that is to face, it was what brought about the biggest change for me. 

I honestly cannot recommend Love For Leaders enough. I would pay ten times the price it costs to be where I am now. Do it. It will change your life." 

Kate, Politician

*FYI Kate is now in a relationship (& living!) with a truly amazing guy, and also recently bagged herself an incredible new job!

"I was sceptical about working with Persia in the Love For Leaders program as I had been single for 8 years (yes 8!) and had pretty much tried everything with no success. But I gave myself a talking to and knew I'd regret it if I didn't try. 

I felt my behaviour and my thinking starting to change quite quickly and although I stopped dating throughout the time I was actively doing the program, when I did meet men out and about, the way I spoke to them and the way I acted changed. I stopped putting up with creeps and awful messages, recognising the red flags and removing myself from the situation - something I'd always struggled to do as I was very much a 'people pleaser' and didn't want to risk anyone not liking me.

During the pandemic, I went on a few dates with two guys - both of whom were lovely and really liked me, but I just knew they weren't right. In the past I'd struggled to get a second date but with both of them I got to Date Four and they both wanted to continue seeing me - this felt amazing, even though neither worked out in the end. I knew I had changed, I was finally being myself! I had stopped trying to be what someone else wanted me to be and that was being reflected in my dating. I don't think I realised what an impact Persia had had on me until that point. 

Then a few months later, it happened. I met him. And it was exactly how Persia had told me it would be. It was scary because it was so easy! I had no doubts about how he felt about me, there were no games and no red flags. All the things she told me I would feel, were exactly what I was feeling. All the things I'd hoped for were happening. We're now four months into our relationship so it's still early days, but I just know deep down that I've found what I was looking for. 

I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. THANK YOU Persia." 

Laura, Advertising Consultant

*FYI Laura is now married to her true Power Couple counterpart.

"Remember you predicted I’d meet someone at the end of last year? Well I did, and due to Covid-19 we’re now living together and it’s just been going from strength to strength, not one fight.

Very in love right now and very happy. 

Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you."

- Emma

“For most of my dating life, I’ve been stuck in an endless loop of chasing the wrong guys and being way too available. 

And then BAM, Persia came into my world like the lightning bolt I needed. The changes I’ve experienced since working with her are countless. What sticks out most is the shifts I’ve experienced around boundaries and knowing my worth. I no longer feel like I need to be a chameleon in relationships – I’m more than okay with being and asserting myself. 

This wouldn’t have been possible without Persia’s guidance and genuine passion. Her work is unparalleled.”

- Britt

"Before working with Persia my self-worth and confidence were at an all time low. But, today I honestly feel like a completely different person. 

I’m now in a new relationship with an amazing man who makes me feel so respected, valued and supported. 

I have also lost weight and even my bank account is looking healthier than before! 

Investing in this program was the best decision I could have made."

- Rachel

"After 15 years single, I believed I was dealt a shitty hand… I’d given up on the relationship and didn’t even want to date anymore. 

I’d worked with a therapist for many years, but it took Persia and this community to provide the right mix of support when I got lost in BS. 

This work made me question my entire belief system around relationships.”


“Fast forward and I’ve just celebrated my one year anniversary with a man I’m moving in with next week.

I had to learn to communicate & compromise whilst also setting boundaries. Most importantly, I had to be me in front of my partner – let him see the good the bad and the ugly.

 I am sure of how much I love him, and him me. I’m terrified of moving in together, but also excited & very proud of myself.”

- Anna

“When I started this program, I was at rock bottom. I’d read many self—help books, but couldn’t seem to put the insights into action.

But, working with Persia for just a few months, I’m far more confident, happier and in control of my emotional behaviour.

“Today, I’m in my dream relationship! I’ve never felt peace & happiness like it in a relationship.

This program taught me how to take accountability and responsibility for myself. To be able to turn someone’s life around this quickly is amazing. This work is invaluable.

I know I sound like a record, but working with you was the start of where my whole life changed for the better.”

- Charlotte

“I was raised by a strong single mum; my dad left when I was a baby and went on to have a second family.

The rejection I felt would soon be a blockage for my interactions with men.

Initially I told myself I didn’t need a man, then later used alcohol to feel confident around men, pushing down feelings of shame & loneliness.

I came across Persia’s work (thank the lord), which helped me understand my patterns and see myself in a new positive way.

“Through working with Persia I met my boyfriend Tom, who I now live with.

He is the love of my life.

But, more importantly, through this process I’ve learned to truly love myself – Tom was the bonus.”

- Ella

Some testimonials from Persia's previous program:

"Today I find myself in a new healthy and happy 

relationship with a guy who brings out my best side

I feel safe to be truly vulnerable with him and he 

constantly has me laughing. 

It’s still early days but I certainly feel like we are 

building the foundations of something 

both special and lasting.”

- Lana

"I’m now in a wonderful relationship with my 

soulmate, which is all the things I asked for 

and more (after 4 years of being single!). 

Thank you Persia, you’re bloody incredible for your 

dedication to helping people get the soulmate 

they deserve.”

- Tania

"For the first time EVER I went into this relationship 

being 100% myself, and this time I haven’t lost myself in 

him because now I truly know I’m worthy, 

and I’m loveable. 

Persia, your work is so immensely valuable and I am so, 

so grateful that you have shared it with the world.”

N.B. Hannah is now married to the man 

she met during GYS - and pregnant!

- Hannah

"Once I started to value myself, I found a man who 

valued me too. He is everything I asked for 

and everything I thought I didn’t deserve. 

After 5 months of no pressure dating, clear boundary 

setting and trusting we made it official and also said 

I love you, because we’re both in the same place 

and it feels amazing. 

Thank. You. So. Much. You’ve changed my life."

N.B. Abigail is now engaged to the man she met soon 

after finishing GYS!

- Abigail

"I just want to say how incredible this whole experience has been. I know that right now going through GYS was the perfect timing for me. Initially, I was worried about the money - going into lockdown having lost my job and just been dumped.

Now I don't know how I would have got through it without GYS, the course has been invaluable in helping me navigate it all. 

 The lifetime access and the  videos, homework, meditations and online community is all invaluable.


Now on days when I'm having a hard time, I have the tools of all my practices to turn to. 

GYS is more than just love-coaching, it's a program to start radically transforming your whole life, and your relationship with yourself, at a deep-rooted level. Thank you Persia!"

- Emily

"My initial hesitation was mostly financial. I unfortunately lost my job due to COVID-19, so I wasn't sure if it was wise to add another expense into the mix. Also, I had no experience with personal development. 

I now view this program as an ongoing investment in myself. The resources will always be there for me to access, and the GYS community is invaluable. Knowing that you're never going through it alone is so reassuring. 

It's also a very powerful thing to be amongst a group of women who are committed to growth and learning how to get the very best out of life.


Persia, I can't emphasise enough how transformative this experience has been. GYS has completely changed my relationship with myself. I am so excited to see where my journey will lead me in the coming months."

- Samantha

"Before joining GYS I hesitated as thought the program was too expensive for me. However, I'd tried many things to improve my life, but hadn’t properly focused on relationships. 

I was cynical about the Facebook group being of benefit to me. I am happy to say that my initial thoughts were completely wrong. 

The women in the group and Persia are the most loving, kind and honest people and their support has blown me away. 

Through this program I have realised that I am not a bad person, unlovable or doomed to misery. I have learned some great tools to help me build a better life for myself in an honest, joyous and loving way. 

I am so happy that I listened to that small voice inside myself and invested in my own happier future. Thank you, Persia!"

- Henna

"Initially I was worried about costs. But based on all the content, the work and the support, I can say this is definitely 100% value for money! 

You are never alone throughout this program. It will feel hard, but stick to it! The benefits make it so worth it! 

I have now met someone who has been right under my nose and he is just so wonderful! 

The best thing about it is I have been 100% myself and he loves me for it. 

I would definitely recommend this program to anyone, it’s much more than helping you to find the love of your life! 

Thank you to Persia, her team and the amazing GYS women who have supported me."


"I've always looked at Persia & Joe's photos and wished I had a guy who was stable, secure & loving, but also fun & silly - and now I've found him - he asked me to be his girlfriend this morning!

He makes me feels so safe and calm - no second guessing what his feelings/ intentions are.

We've spoken about our dreams for the future and they align and I feel I can be my 100% genuine self around him.

I communicate so calmly and effectively with him and have never felt to at ease in a relationship.

My life has changed so much since joining GYS. I feel like a different woman to the one that signed up. I'm the happiest I've ever been.


- Ceri

"Would I recommend GYS? One million percent yes! 

It's not even just about a romantic partner. How I feel about myself now is completely different. 

The impact GYS has had on me is just phenomenal.

 It has improved my confidence, self-esteem, self-worth and self-respect in such a dramatic way. 

GYS has changed my life, It has made me fall in love with myself, and it was worth every bloody penny. 

You can't put a price on the changes I've gone through, and the way I've grown through doing GYS. 

It's the best money I have ever spent."

- Kelly

"GYS is the first time I have ever delved into anything remotely 'self development-y' and as scared as I was to to press the 'buy now' button, it is the BEST thing I have ever bought. 

Never have I felt so loved, welcomed and able to be my open, honest self. The FB group itself is priceless. GYS has honestly made my life so much better. I have grown so much as a person and met some amazing life long soul sisters. 

I can't thank Persia enough for creating such a wonderful community. I love your honest, open and straight talking approach. 

Thank you!

- Nic

"Without GYS and the soulmates, I wouldn't be in a relationship right now. No messing around. No games. 

I have had my moments, but I have serious, grounded backup from the soulmates. If I am triggered, then I have people to help me through that rather than blow something good, which is what I'd have done in the past. 

 It's a totally safe space with like minded women who want to improve themselves and their lives. It isn't just about dating - I've applied it to the rest of my life including work. 

Best investment in myself I've ever made!"

- Fleur

"Wow okay, it's been the best investment I have ever made.

 It has given me a completely different perspective on my whole life - work, family, friends, the relationship with myself and the relationship I now have with my 10 year old son. This group has allowed me to be open and honest about who I am and has always empowered me to keep going.

If it wasn't for GYS and these amazing, strong and wonderful souls I'm not sure who I would be. 

I am so grateful to be part of this community and love this new level of deep and meaningful AWARE relationships.

- Laura

"I’m a 37 year-old single mum and for as long as I can remember I’d been in toxic, abusive, volatile relationships where I questioned who I was. 

When I came across Persia, everything she said resonated and I knew I had sign to up to GYS. 

It’s been the best thing that’s happened to me. 

Now I'm in an exclusive relationship. 

I set boundaries and he not only meets them, but exceeds them. We communicate our triggers, our morals, our standards and we do it in a healthy way. I don’t overthink, he does not make me anxious. I know exactly how he feels and wants, and I am not left guessing. 

I honestly believe I wouldn’t have this relationship if it wasn’t for GYS. 

Thank you for helping me heal and be in my true power."

- Rachel

"My first thoughts were ‘is this a wise investment of time, energy and money?’ I can honestly say that the whole package is worth it! 

You could spend way more at therapy and get less than half of what Persia gave to us. GYS is excellent value for money. 

I really feel like I am part of something special. You can tell that this course has been thoroughly thought through, the detail and the standard is excellent. The course is superbly professional. This is for life, GYS really is truly special.  

GYS is so much more than about romance... it's a sisterhood, a place to release emotion, ask questions and be received by genuine, non judgemental souls. 

It is a safe zone to express moments of growth and be congratulated. It's a community who will pick you up when you are down. 

The best lockdown decision I made was joining GYS."

- Pamela

"Initially I was a bit hesitant about signing up because of the cost but I saw it as an investment in myself and my future.

It has been 100% worth every penny. 

I can't even begin to list how much this program has done for me. 

I feel healthier in mind, body & spirit. I've even had people comment on how much I have 'shone' recently. 

 The relationship with the other girls in the program has been a definite highlight for me. 

GYS has allowed me to have more confidence in my decisions for my own life and trust the path I'm on.

Plus I'm now in an amazing relationship! 

Thank you Persia!."


"I was anxious to begin with, doubting if this 

course would benefit me.

But since completing GYS, my focus has become more 

about me and learning that I can stand up for myself. 

I definitely have more motivation and a positive outlook.

 I feel I got value for money because there was so much content. 

I really enjoyed that we covered subjects about being 

socially aware of the world around us, with conversations 

around BAME, and charitable organisations like War Child

The program also gave us a useful network in a Facebook group. 

You can see Persia and her team have put a lot into this 

course to provide us with all the necessary skills 

we need, and I am very appreciative of this."

- Lynda

"GYS has changed my life. 

If was my lifeline during lockdown and 

it really has defined this year differently for me. 

It’s improved the relationship with myself first and foremost. 

My family relationships have also improved.

I had the courage to walk away from a romantic dynamic 

that wasn’t serving me and I can finally see my 

worth as a woman!

I’m excited for my future and it’s a positive one and have 

no doubt I would have been in a lesser place mentally 

without GYS.

The best thing is the support from likeminded women 

and I’ve made beautiful friends through this group."

- Zoe

"GYS is a deep dive into the depths of self discovery; challenging, uplifting, empowering and life affirming. 

I've never felt more seen and supported within an online group before... the love, respect and honesty we show each other here is so beautiful! We are from many walks of life but we hold each other in a space of non judgement, take the time to share our wisdom and celebrate together. 

I'm so glad I took the plunge and invested in doing this program, thank you Persia, and thank you soulmates."

- Hannah

“Before I started working with Persia I found myself constantly spending time with guys that didn’t seem to want anything serious; having never experienced a committed relationship I felt as though I must be doing something wrong. 

Working with Persia has completely changed how I approach relationships, and I’ve since dated guys who treat me with respect and I’ve been much more open. I can see real, tangible changes in my life as a result of it.”

- Katie Jane

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Client Testimonials. As with any coaching program, your results using Love For Leaders may vary from these client testimonials. Your results will be primarily based on your level of effort and commitment to the work set out in the program, therefore we cannot guarantee your success – nor are we responsible for your success or failure. We believe we provide you with brilliant tools, insights and strategies to help you achieve the results you desire for your love life.

Owned and operated by Persia Lawson.