- Your dates text/ call inconsistently and play hot & cold with you, so you never know where you stand
- This creates a lack of trust and you feel self-conscious & not yourself around them (even your friends notice)
- Despite your success at work, being single often leaves you feeling lonely & left behind by your peer group
- You either have ZERO people sliding into your DMs (let alone whisking you out for fancy dates), or...
- You feel like you have ZERO chemistry with the people that are attracted to you
(hello, ICK)
- If/ when you do finally hit it off with someone, you never seem to be able to get past Date 3/ the 3-month mark
- You find yourself mind-numbingly bored, uninspired or just totally indifferent to the people you date
- You can't really picture a future with any of them (even if you do have a strong physical connection)
- You find the modern dating process a depressing, unfulfilling numbers game and long for old school romance
...to wake up every single day beside - not only the man you love (and who loves YOU) - but your best friend & true match:
The man who gives you a kiss on the forehead first thing, and who brings you a freshly brewed oat milk flat white whilst you’re still in bed.
The man who asks you how you’re feeling about your big meeting, and who’s already booked dinner at your favourite restaurant to celebrate (his treat), and to get excited about your upcoming trip to Costa Rica together.
The man who’s your rock when you’re stressed, overwhelmed or exhausted, and who’ll talk things through with you when you’ve got a hard decision to make.
The man whose face lights up the moment he sees you come through the arrivals gate at the airport (he’s picked you up from your work trip as a surprise).
The man who’s your biggest support, cheerleader & champion – not just around your work, but in everything you do and all that you ARE.
The man who you have the best sex and the most fun with – and who you can be your silliest self around with zero judgement or insecurity (because you’re two peas in a weird & wonderful little pod).
The man who your friends tell you they know is ‘The One’ the first time they meet him – not just because of how much he clearly adores you, but because of how much effort he makes with the people you love.
This is the man I wake up to every single day.
This is the man our Love For Leaders clients wake up to every single day.
And this is the man it’s your turn to wake up to every single day.
Question is... are you READY for this?
Love For Leaders is the ultimate online coaching experience that gets big-hearted, high-achieving women relationships that support & elevate (rather than distract you from) the incredible life & career you're here to create & enjoy.
Whether you’ve been single for years, are stuck in an on again/ off again situation-ship, or are questioning whether the relationship you're in is really 'it', our practical, step-by-step training equips you with essential tools & support that'll speed up the process of making your romantic vision a reality (so you don't need to waste any more of your precious time & energy on dating apps & dead-end dates).
We’ve supported hundreds of women across the UK, USA, Australia, Europe & beyond heal their love lives from the inside-out and go on to get engaged, married, pregnant, or create their dream home/ business/ travel the world with their partner.
We can't wait to help you, too.
Your partner initiates the commitment chat, tells you daily how much they adore you, makes a big effort with your loved ones (& invites you to hang out with theirs), calls & texts when they say they will, and shows up when you need them.
You have electric chemistry & connection: you want to rip each other's clothes off AND have regular intimate chats, plus a vibrant social life (together & solo) full of adventure & magic - travelling as a couple, and also with your mutual friends.
You & your partner feel like a team - you have each other's backs, are building a compelling future, and your relationship has a positive impact on not just you as a couple, but on your loved ones, communities (and maybe even the world).
Uncover the deeper (subconscious) reasons as to why you're romantically stuck: why you attract/are attracted to people who reject/ghost/treat you badly, and why you feel compelled to reject/dismiss the ones who treat you well.
Embrace a radically new approach to dating & relationships that'll dissolve your anxiety & fear that you're doomed to be "single forever", and help you trust that your ideal relationship will come about when the time is right.
Dramatically increase your confidence & self-worth so that you're relaxed & authentic on texts, calls & dates - meaning you'll repel those who aren't the right fit and magnetise the ones who align with your core values & desires.
Become a master at all aspects of online dating: create an irresistible profile (using data-backed research), discern who's worthy of your time (& who's wasting it), and get so damn good at using dating apps that your schedule's booked out with great dates.
Command instant respect by mastering effective communication: identify & (gracefully!) call out red flags, set & uphold impeccable standards & boundaries, and set yourself apart as a highly desirable partner through the way you carry & express yourself.
Seamlessly transition from casual dating to committed relationship: learn a foolproof strategy to quickly discern if your partner is a good match for you long-term, and discover how to navigate new relationship pitfalls so your romance continues to evolve & thrive.
We've served & supported women from all over the world with a vast range of dating & relationship dilemmas/ situations - from single mother CEOs, to famous actors, influencers & musicians, to teachers, doctors - and even politicians.
If you want to see how our coaching containers have helped women like you go from being stuck & miserable in romance to getting relationships that have a positive impact on not just them, but on their loved ones, communities (& even the world), click the button below.
Love For Leaders is led by 3x author & speaker Persia Lawson, “one of the UK’s most successful love coaches” according to The Times and hailed "an irreverent British guru" by Marie Claire magazine.
Creator & host of the top 3 podcast 'Love Is Coming', Persia's work is regularly featured in Vogue, Cosmopolitan & the BBC, and she is deeply passionate about (& skilled at!) getting career-focused women healthy, exciting, meaningful relationships that are a force for good, not drama.
In Love For Leaders, you'll learn the exact tools & strategies that enabled Persia and many of her clients go from being "dating disasters" to getting remarkable relationships within 6-12 months (as Persia is a certified wedding celebrant, she's even officiated several of her client's weddings!)
You're a female leader/ high-achiever who's climbed the career ladder or built a business, but feel your love life is lacking compared to your work-life
You're reaping the financial rewards for your efforts, but feel disheartened & disappointed that you have no one to share your success with and often feel 'left behind' amongst your peers
You struggle to be your true self on dates, feeling like you have to be perfect or 'perform' what you think they want to see
You tend to attract emotionally unavailable commitment-phobes who are super into you at first but then pull back and become distant, which leaves you obsessing, chasing & controlling the dynamic and feeling riddled with anxiety
Getting (& keeping) a healthy, exciting, meaningful relationship with a high quality man is a priority for you - and you're ready, willing & able to do the work required to get it
Standard membership of Love For Leaders gives you 3 OR 12 months access to a private members-only site which contains:
The 3 core phases (Heal, Attract, Commit) of Love For Leaders video trainings (there are 6 modules for each of the 3 phases)
Accompanying meditations & worksheets for each of the modules
Bonus masterclasses, resources & trainings for each of the 3 phases
Weekly LIVE group-coaching sessions over Zoom with Persia (& occasionally a guest expert)
A special WhatsApp group with Persia & the other members
You'll ALSO get access to any other live programs Persia runs during your time inside Love For Leaders
We appreciate that not everyone is comfortable with group learning environments - especially around something as intimate and personal as your love life.
For those that require (or desire) a more discrete and bespoke experience of Love For Leaders, we have a few fantastic options for 121 VIP support with Persia - scroll down for more info.
If you want to chat through which option's the best fit for where you're at, click the button below to book a free consultation.
There is zero obligation to enrol in the program after the call; it's important to us that it's a good fit for everyone and we feel confident we can get you results.
We have a range of enrolment options for Love For Leaders, depending on the level of support you feel you need (or want):
⚡️12-month VIP membership (includes portal access with all the trainings, weekly group-coaching, x12 121 Zoom sessions & 121 WhatsApp support AND a 121 dinner with Persia at Soho House London): £9997
⚡️12-month Standard membership (includes portal access with all the trainings & weekly group-coaching): £4997
⚡️3-month ‘Love It or Leave It’ VIP membership (includes portal access with all the trainings, weekly group-coaching, x3 121 Zoom sessions & 121 WhatsApp support with Persia): £3497
⚡️3-month ‘Love It or Leave It’ Standard membership (includes portal access with all the trainings & weekly group-coaching): £1697
At the end of 3-month membership you can decide whether to stay on and complete the program (which most do) or leave at this point.
Payment plans are available for all options.
Please note: 121 spaces are limited. When they are filled there is a waitlist for 3+ months. We currently have 2 spots available for 3-month & 1 spot for 12-month VIP membership.
Click below for info & to join our VIP or Standard 3-month membership:
DM Persia the word 'LEADER' on Instagram below:
Book a free consultation with Persia/ her team below:
Growing up, my parents struggled with drug addiction. To escape the challenging emotions I was experiencing at home - and to feel some sense of the validation I craved, I soon became an overachiever. (This had its perks, given that I was awarded one of the top marks in the country for my English Literature GCSE whilst my dad was in rehab).
I also became a sex and love addict; no other high could top that of falling in (and soon out of) love with the wrong guy.
Thankfully, Mum and Dad got sober when I was sixteen and created an incredible life for themselves and our family; they were my first example of a true Power Couple relationship that was thriving on the outside, because they’d prioritised healing and growth on the inside – as individuals, and as a couple.
However, I’d spent the majority of my life surrounded by drama and chaos. So, when that suddenly disappeared at home, I majorly ramped up the drama and chaos in my love life, instead.
I hit rock bottom in my mid-twenties, having put on two stone in two months after being sexually assaulted at a London strip club I was working at - just weeks after getting my Masters in Classical Acting.
This prompted my concerned dad to take me on a health retreat in Thailand, where he gave me some advice that went on to change the entire trajectory of my life. He said:
“Focus on the insides, and the outsides will take care of themselves.”
These words were the launch pad I needed to leverage all my overachiever energy towards healing the real root of all my romantic dilemmas: my relationship with myself.
Shortly afterwards, I started blogging about my journey into self-development and spirituality, which captured the media’s attention and soon led to a book deal and coaching business with a friend.
In the process, I met my now-husband at a festival (where I was speaking about my book, which was due to be published the following year).
Over the 9+ years my husband and I have been together, not only did I pivot my career to solely focus on helping other high-achieving women like me transform their love lives from the inside-out, I discovered why having a healthy, exciting, meaningful true Power Couple relationship is so crucial in today's world:
Because, aside from being great for the couple, as I witnessed through my parent's transformation (as well as my own) it also has a hugely positive impact on the couple's loved ones, communities - and even the world.
It's time to stop looking OUTSIDE of yourself for the partner you want to GET, and start looking INSIDE of yourself for the partner you want to BE.
If there's one thing I've learned from my 12+ years of coaching, it's that women of influence do not have time to waste.
Yet, far too many of them invest way too much of it in dead-end, dysfunctional romantic dynamics that only serve to hinder the impact they're here to make in this world.
When I committed to doing the deep work required to attract and sustain my own great relationship, instead of my love life feeling like a rollercoaster as it used to, I started to feel supported, respected & deeply loved. This has given me so much more freedom and emotional bandwidth to show up in my work life more powerfully - and, to enjoy it a hell of a lot more, too.
Through Love For Leaders, I've helped many high-achieving women create the same results in their own love lives.
But, also, because when women in positions of impact and influence start to show up in their love lives in healthier, more empowered ways, this creates a tremendous ripple effect of positive change in the communities around them. This is what most excites and inspires me because this is what the world needs - now, more than ever.
So, if you're serious about up-levelling your love life and what we share on this page resonates, it'll be an honour to have you join us inside Love For Leaders.
It's time to invest in you and your love life in the same way you have done your career. It's time to work smarter, not harder at love. And, it's time to get you the healthy, exciting, meaningful relationship that'll serve - not sabotage - the impact you're here to make in this world.
“It has been incredible to witness Persia step into her power as a leader for a new generation of seekers. Her commitment to love and service is divine. This woman is a beautiful guide and mentor for us all!”
“Persia is a super smart young woman and provides a fresh, intelligent perspective on the issues that so many Gen Y-ers face today. I have to say that when you speak to her, you get how much this matters to her – her passion and dedication to her work is truly inspiring.”
“Persia is one of the most insightful people I know. She has huge personal experience when it comes to matters of love, life and relationships and you’ll always find her ready to share her super-insight in order to help others. I can’t think of anyone better to be a love coach.”
“Refreshingly honest, raw and relatable, Persia really knows her stuff when it comes to dating and relationships and is trailblazing a path for those ready to learn how to find and nurture real, soulful love.”
Click below for info & to join our VIP or Standard 3-month membership:
DM Persia the word 'LEADER' on Instagram:
Book a free consultation with Persia/ her team below:
Love For Leaders is for the woman who's DONE with playing & feeling small & left behind in her love life.
The woman who's ready & willing to do the work required to become a match for the kind, generous, attractive, fun AND emotionally available partner she deserves.
The woman who's committed to being in a relationship that's a force for good, not drama - a relationship that has a positive impact on not just the two of you, but your loved ones, communities - and maybe even the world too, one day.
Because we need relationships like this - now, more than ever.
Time to STEP UP and claim yours.
© Copyright Persia Lawson 2025 | Terms and Conditions/Privacy Policy | info@persislawson.com
Client Testimonials. As with any coaching program, your results using Love For Leaders may vary from these client testimonials. Your results will be primarily based on your level of effort and commitment to the work set out in the program, therefore we cannot guarantee your success – nor are we responsible for your success or failure. We believe we provide you with brilliant tools, insights and strategies to help you achieve the results you desire for your love life.